Sunday, October 26, 2008

Southampton Town Demographics

In Southampton Town of Suffolk County on Long Island, New York…


The most popular age group to belong to (16.9% of the population) is of 35 to 44 years.

98.3% of us are white.

61 of us are Asian Chinese,

39 of us are Japanese.

38 of us are Korean.

38 of us are Vietnamese.

25 of us are Guamanian or Chamorro.

5 of us are native Hawaiian.

4 of us are Samoan.

1.7% of us belong to two or more races.

96.2% of us live in a household.

20% of us have a spouse yet 25.2% of us have a child.

1,289 (or 2.4%) of us are institutionalized.

2.45 people is the average household size.

2.99 people is the average family size.

40% of our housing units are vacant.

13.7% of us over the age of 25 never graduated high school.

57.4% of us over the age of 25 attend university of some sort.

25.5% of us over the age of 15 never married.

8.7% of us over the age of 15 are divorced (5.2% of them being females).

14.1% of us are veterans,

58.7% of us live in the same house as we did five years ago.

63 of us were born in Africa.

14.3% of us speak a language other than English at home.

22% of us have Irish heritage (12,049 people).

18.4% of us have Italian heritage.

17.7% of us have German heritage.

11.2% of us have English heritage.

0.3% of us have West Indian or Portuguese heritage.

0.2% of us have Arabic heritage.

0.1% of us have Slovak heritage (67 people).

19.1% of workers carpooled, walked, used public transportation, or took advantage of other means to commute.

20.1% of workers are in Educational, health and social services.

1.3% of workers are in Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining.

6.5% of households make less than $10,000 a year.

19.5% of households make between $50,000 and $74,999 a year.

5.2% of households make $200,000 or more a year.

$53,887 a year is the median household income.

$47,167 a year is the median earnings of a male full-time, year-round worker.

$32,054 a year is the median earnings of a female full-time, year-round worker.

15.1% of our structures were built in 1939 or earlier.

19% of our structures were built between 1940 and 1959.

2.9% of our structures were built within the last year.

380 (or 1.1%) of structures have only one room.

14,630 (or 40.9%) of structures have 5 or 6 rooms.

5.1% of us have no vehicles.

17.1% of us have 3 or more vehicles.

147 of us with a home have no telephone service.

68 of us with a home are lacking complete kitchen facilities.

11.2% of renters do not pay rent.

$938 is the median rental cost.





 Full Suffolk County Demographics

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