Sunday, November 9, 2008

four victoria

hey vic, i got your text messages and decided to make you a cd and then send it to you with some herbs to make you happy.  but.......i also thought you may want to get this tonight or tomorrow, so.......YES, it's here now thanks to modern technology and illegal bootlegging tactics mmmmmmm

you should try this music

and you should try to import the playlist (text document included in the file) to itunes so it plays in a specialtea order

and you should try ginkgo

and i often ask her, "are you looking for the mother load?"
"no my child, this is not my desire."  and then she says, "i'm digging for fire."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


with 90,548 votes, Cynthia McKinney and the Green Party received .06% of the votes cast for president of the united states.